

教务长办公室支持大学的学术使命,确保 通过提供支持,为所有学生提供高质量的学术课程 加强教与学的活动,并通过提供服务 使教师和学生参与研究和创造性活动.

教务长和负责学术事务的副校长提供远见,领导, 并监督与学术事务有关的所有领域. 作为机构的 首席学术官,教务长负责项目管理,人事 decisions, and budget management; fosters the academic growth and development of faculty, staff, and students; and strives to advance the educational values, goals, and mission 在校内和校外都有选区.

Units that report to the Provost include the Colleges of Business; Education and Human Services, Humanities and Fine Arts; Science, Engineering and Technology; Hutson School of Agriculture; School of Nursing and Health Professions; 成人中心 and Regional Education; University 库; Honors College; Center for 学术顾问; Undergraduate Re搜索 and Scholarly Activities; 赞助项目办公室; Faculty 发展 Center; Office of Service Learning; and the Office of the Registrar.

















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